Infrastructure > Video > Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Content Delivery
At Suburban, we offer access to a network of servers as well as services that help improve website performance by facilitating the efficient delivery of content to websites. Our services run geographically dispersed points of presence, known as PoPs, that help route the delivery of digital content from the origin server to one that is as close to the browsing user as possible. We offer businesses we service - web caching, request routing, and server-load balancing, to reduce load times and improve website performance.
Benefits of Suburban's CDN
Performance is the difference between a click giving you immediate access to new content. At Suburban, we use programmed knowledge of the necessary connections to overcome any challenges. We use additional technologies that resolve issues in the delivery of dynamic, or uncacheable, content and to determine the appropriate type of content to deliver to different devices.
Our content remains accessible to businesses even during periods of excessive user traffic when many people are accessing content at the same time or if there are server outages in some parts of the internet.
Given the increasing volatility of the internet threat landscape, helping to secure websites is a critical CDN requirement for Suburban. We have made information security a core competency, providing unique cloud-based solutions. We also protect content providers and businesses by mitigating against a wide array of attacks without malicious entities ever compromising delivery and availability.
Suburban generates the right data giving customers critical, actionable insights, and intelligence into their user base. These services may include real-user monitoring and media analytics to measure end-user engagement with web content and cloud security intelligence to keep track of online threats.
Give us a ring +234 908 700 5784
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